Insurance is something that is inevitably part of our lives as home owners, car owners and business owners.  In order to ensure that you are safeguarded against theft and damage, you have to take out insurance policies for all of these aspects of your life.  There is an insurance policy to suit your every need and sometimes your budget as well.  Most people are used to hearing about insurance policies and their many benefits etc.  But a great majority of people have never heard about insurance against improbable outcomes.

Ask anyone about hail damage insurance, car insurance or business goods insurance and they will likely have an opinion to share.  Once you mention improbable outcome insurance, they might give you a blank stare however.  Taking out insurance against improbable outcomes means taking out insurance against certain events that will most likely never take place.  Some of these types of insurance policies include insurance against pregnancy (weird as that may sound), falling off a cliff and even laughing yourself to death.  All of this might sound like a bad hoax, but these types of insurance policies do exist and people do invest in them.

In Scotland, a man has taken out insurance to cover his liability should anyone take him up on his reward offer and catch the Loch Ness Monster alive!  Some people in America are also insured against alien abduction and impregnation by alien beings!  There are literally hundreds of improbable insurance policies to choose from and this is likely contributed to the fact that there are so many things people fear could happen to them.  Many people around the world have also insured their houses against haunting and paranormal activity.  They want the peace of mind that they would be insured even if there’s only a one in a million chance of anything outlandish ever happening to them.  Companies who offer insurance policies against improbable outcomes very often also have traditional insurance policies to offer.  So if you want to insure yourself and your house and family on both counts, you can most likely do it all with one insurer.